The symposium was aimed at technicians in the tanning industry and included presentations of research work carried out mainly within Argentina. Presentations were give by representatives of chemical companies, research centres and tanneries.

The presentations covered tanning processes, tannery control, raw materials, by-products and issues related to the leather value chain, such as leather supply from cold storage facilities and the design of finished leather products.

Five works were presented orally, and four via posters. There were other activities during the symposium such as an industry Round Table based on the topic of tannery effluent. More than 150 people took part in the event, including professionals, technicians and business people. Organisers from AAQTIC say that it was a perfect opportunity to invite technicians from tanneries in different Argentine provinces. Leather industry colleagues from other countries, such as Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, and a guest speaker from Germany, were also present.

The event was organised by AAQTIC and is held every two years as part of AAQTIC’s activities. The first two Symposia, held in 2006 and 2008, also included the participation of technicians and professionals. For further information, please visit: