The Chairman went on to analyse the national and international scenario of the leathergoods, footwear and tannery business, revealing a malaise in the sector, especially in the West, which has resulted in a decidedly unfavourable economic situation.
Even large producers like India and Brazil are not generating particularly positive signs. Obviously, Tandura said, China, with its output of more than 10 billion pairs, of which 6.5 billion go for export, is the country to watch. The fact that China has joined the WTO, that the euro has succeeded in freeing itself from the control of the people who created it, and the phenomena of delocation have overturned the world market.
The cure? Adapting rapidly to change and capitalising on the new social and political situation in Italy, including the new consensus which the manufacturing system in general is obtaining from several directions.
In order to have a better understanding of the new problems as they arise and to respond in a timely way to the requests of our associates, Assomac has set up a number of work committees, involving an ever greater number of associates, thus reducing the distance between the top and lower ranks of the association. The following committees have been created: Machine innovation for footwear and leathergoods; Machine innovation for tanning; Machine safety; XML Standards; China Project; Economy and Finance; Young People; Trade fairs, promotion and image.
Tandura then spoke about Simac and Tanning Tech which were held jointly in 2007. This year,  they will be held on 28-30 October, again in Bologna, and again jointly with Lineapelle. This shift is encouraging a massive return of exhibitors from companies producing chemicals for the tanning industry. Assomac has also gone to great efforts to give a higher profile to the chemical companies which operate in the leather industry.
Having described the activities comprised within the structure of Assomac, Chairman Tandura handed the floor to the members chairing the various work committees, who described their particular areas of competence.
Winding up the session, Chairman Tandura took the floor again to invite associates to try to seek new stimuli and achieve greater creativeness with the aim of safeguarding the heritage of technological and commercial expertise that we have spread all over the world and which we do not want to lose, keeping an open mind and a willingness to create synergies.
Today, more than ever before, it is vital that Assomac develop a culture of change to succeed in overcoming the new challenges generated by the system.