ATC have announced the arrival of what they call a ‘revolutionary’ concept of leather chemicals built around the idea of one chemical = several actions.
Entitled Actipact, this range of chemicals uses new patented production technology. Actipact chemicals have native high tech molecules combining a tanning or retanning effect with at least two or three more specific actions on the leather.
At APLF, ATC launched two Actipact chemicals, with more to follow soon.
Actipact GL has a retanning effect combined with filling and shining effects when polished or glazed.
Using Actipact GL provides the tanner with the following advantages:
* Reduces the use of further chemicals. The crust can immediately be glazed without the need to spray a casein mixture on the surface.
* Gains time by reducing the number of finishing operations.
* Produces a more saleable leather thanks to the selective filling effect of the loose parts of the leather.
* Produces a more fashionable finished article as the natural look of the leather is preserved.
* Produces a more economical grain as application of Actipact GL polishes the leather resulting in an upgrade of the selection.
* Allows a printing retention.
Actipact RU has a retanning effect combined with thickness equalising and rubber-like effects.
Using Actipact RU provides the tanner with the following advantages:
* Produces a more fashionable finished article as the rubber-effect is currently popular among new fashion collections.
* Provides client satisfaction as the crust produced shows an exceptional evenness between the backbone and the flanks. Therefore the yield is increased.
* Reduces time and the use of further chemicals as producing a spongy effect with such an evenness only previously possible through the application of numerous chemicals.
* Increases the selling opportunities of very thin hides and skins. Actipact RU has a high plumping action, allowing tanners to use thin skins that would normally be rejected.