Bill Carey, a respected member of the hide, skin and leather industry, died in late October. Don Ohsman of Hidenet writes: ‘He was 84 and active on a daily basis up until the time of his death. Bill began his long history in the hide industry in 1948-49 at Kaufmann Trading in New York.

‘He joined Elliot in Chicago in 1960 and went to Southwest Trading a year or two later. The bulk of his career was spent in Houston in association with Southwestern Trading (controlled by the Brand Family).

‘He formed CHS in the mid 1980s and subsequently Himex where he was president. He was actively involved the American and international hide associations for many years and was past president of the International Council of Hides Skins & Leather Traders Associations.

‘He was elected to the US Hide Skin & Leather Association Hall of Fame and was involved in the founding of the organisation. Bill was also one of the first proponents of the Hong Kong leather fair along with Anthony Fan in Hong Kong, Jack Stein of Hollander in New York and Warner Posen of Kaufmann. Bill was also one of the pioneers in selling hides to Japan in the early 1950s and Korea after the Korean war.

‘One anecdote that comes to mind is the story Bill liked to tell about how he met his wife, Paulette. Right after the liberation of Paris in World War II, Bill was driving a jeep down a Paris street when he stopped to ask two girls leaning from a balcony for directions. One of the girls was Paulette. An instant attraction resulted in a marriage lasting more than 60 years.’

Editor’s note: Bill was a regular sight at the major leather fairs around the world, usually with Paulette accompanying him. He also continued to attend the annual meetings of ICHSLTA, long after he retired as president, and was recognised by the organisation with the title of honorary life president.

The last time I met Bill, in Hong Kong, I asked him if he ever planned to retire. His reply was a very definite ‘No’. He intended to work right up to the end, and he did!