Professor Covington said: ‘I am honoured to be the first person to have been asked to give the lecture (John Arthur Wilson Memorial Lecture) twice, having first been invited in 1998. It is one of the most prestigious lectures in the leather world and I will review the current state of leather science.’
Professor Covington attended the Convention last year, to receive ALCA’s Alsop Award for ‘outstanding scientific or technical contribution to the leather industry’ after more then 30 years research and following the publication of his book ‘Tanning Chemistry. The Science of Leather.’
Michael Redwood, visiting Professor of Leather Science at The University of Northampton said: ‘This is a highly prestigious invitation and shows how Professor Covington is recognised as the most important leather chemist of the last two decades. It also underlines the strength of knowledge and expertise we have at our Institute for Creative Leather Technologies in Northampton.’