The first time I saw your magazine was by pure accident in the beginning of the year, when I started my activities for Zao Russkaya Kozha (Russian Leather – Ryazan tannery, Russia) as export manager. Somebody had brought it somehow from the Lineapelle fair. Ever since it has been a vademecum for me. I also managed to persuade my direction to subscribe to it and now I feel happy to have it on my table.
I must honestly say that your edition is a highly professional, impartial and well-balanced one. I do not know much about the opinion of leather professionals, I just can suppose it is as precious for them as for me, and even more.
For example, two weeks ago I met a managing director of a well-known machinery company in Germany and we had a vivid discussion about the leather situation in Russia. He showed good competence though the information seemed incomplete to me. When I asked him how did he know all that he showed me the latest survey about Russia from your magazine.
Two days ago one of our Italian partners faxed us the same survey
My congratulations.
Vitaly Selivanov,
Zao Russkaya Kozha, Russia