In the DuPont China Green Living Survey: Consumer Awareness and Adoption of Biobased Products, DuPont found that a majority of Chinese consumers are likely to purchase apparel, personal care, hygiene and household products made from biobased ingredients that offer environmental benefits. These “green” products use ingredients that are composed of biological or renewable agricultural materials, rather than synthetics, and are biodegradable. Since biobased ingredients, such as enzymes, often replace petroleum-based ingredients, they help reduce reliance on non-renewable resources.

While just 4 in 10 surveyed said they are very or somewhat familiar with green products, most urban Chinese consumers agree on the factors that make a product “green” and accept that biobased products meet the criteria. The findings also noted that higher-income Chinese consumers were more familiar with and receptive to green products as well as biobased products.

According to DuPont’s research, Chinese consumers express greater confidence that green products are better for the environment than North American consumers surveyed last year. When asked about their confidence that green products are better for the environment, 70% of Chinese consumers surveyed said they were either very or somewhat confident. A similar survey of North American consumers released in 2011, showed that 65% of Canadians and 60% of Americans were confident that green products are better for the environment.