For the first time, exclusive Dutch leather designs will be available to the international public. This global launch demonstrates the company’s commitment to embrace leather and fashion within the online sphere. The website includes an amazing collection of several creative designers from the Netherlands, as well as exciting new design elements with enhanced selection guides and other unique features in the fashion e-commerce arena which allow anyone with an internet connection to purchase the full range of leather designs. Previously, Dutch leather designs were only available at a limited number of physical retail locations around Europe.
Ines, the initiator of Dutch Leather Design, noted: ‘We are approaching the launch of this website with the same attention to detail and the same commitment as Gloves Europe. It is all about designs you cannot buy anywhere else. Dutch design is hot!
‘Designers who create leather specialties will have the opportunity to present them in our webshop, which produces eclectic collections and products that constantly change and evolve with the latest trends. Some of the designers are well-known and prefer to present the leather designs under the new Dutch Leather Design label anonymously. Other designers are presenting their leather products under their own name and label.
‘The aim is to bring leather fashion to a higher level with respect for the versatility of leather. In this way, we are able to offer our clients a refreshing collection of all types of leather designs including handbags, lingerie, jewelry, clothing and bed covers.