The prices are increasing and so are the pressures to buy new handbags. Some people have become desperate enough to rent a designer purse. But researchers like ABC News Consumer Correspondent Elizabeth Leamy and chemical biologists have shown bacteria found on a handbag are enough to make a person sick. In an article published in August 2006, Leamy documents the high risk of bacteria lurking in a used handbag. In this light, renting or borrowing a purse may not be very smart.

Pressures increase because teens and young adults seek style and fashion from celebrities who carry purses costing thousands of dollars.

The mission has remained consistent since its conception in the early 1990’s. ‘Our goal is to provide a resource for people to own high end designer fashion accessories without paying full retail price,’ said Anna Miller, owner. has fulfilled more than 100,000 customer orders over the past twelve years providing authentic designer merchandise at below retail prices. The website’s average sale is between $200 – $300. More expensive eFashionHouse bags sell for around $1000. Their strategy allows them to sell at discounts of 25% to 60% off the full retail prices. announced today new strategies to continually provide resources for people to obtain designer merchandise without having to refinance their homes. A new layaway plan is being implemented which provides people an opportunity to design their own payment plan according to their budget. Establishing new and stronger resources for sourcing authentic designer merchandise within the USA have been achieved and implemented this past year. covers all sales tax for its USA customers, and provides free domestic shipping on the majority of its orders.