The leather fair is able to attract an
increasing number of participants from around the world making it one of the
leading leather fairs in Africa.
It is aimed at strengthening business
relationships between foreign leather
companies with their Ethiopian and African counterparts. In helping the domestic Ethiopian and African industries connect and interact with business worldwide, ELIA has established a strategy for global trading and networking, and more than 200 exhibitors from 24 countries are registered and have confirmed their participation.
ELIA are anticipating around 1,000
international visitors will attend the show which coincides with the 17th Session of Unido Leather and Leather Products Panel which is due to be held between January 18-22 in connection with the AALF 2010.
The 16th Leather Panel which was held in Brazil (May 20-23, 2007) suggested the 17th session be held in Addis Ababa. The AALF and the Unido panel will bring together top leather and related industry specialists and decision makers from all over the world.
AALF is intended to bring together all participants in the footwear and tanning industries, providing a meeting place for everyone who is involved in the supply chain from chemicals for processing through to the finished products. Professional associations and academic institutions are also welcomed.

All African Leather Fair (AALF) project

According to the FAO world statistical compendium, Africa’s share of total world raw materials is 5% of bovine hides, 14% of goat and kid skins, 9 % of sheep and lambskins. However, its share of world trade is less than 2% in raw hides and skins, 2% for leather and leather products and less than 1% for leather footwear and footwear with leather uppers.
Although Africa’s share of world trade in the leather sector represents only about 1%, a great number of developing countries in Africa rank hides, skins, leather and leathergoods towards the top of their exportable products. The above mentioned figures clearly show the enormous potential and that Africa could increase its contribution to the world trade. Until now the majority of African production has been limited to low value products whereas the share of value added leather and leather products is still very low. There are some parts of the world, particularly Africa, where suppliers of the raw material and the derived products tend not to have an image of being reliable providers of a consistent quality material. Such an image has had a negative impact on the products from the affected regions. Promoting the image of African leather
A number of events geared towards promoting the image of the leather industry have been organised and implemented in recent years. The Ethiopian Leather Industries Association (ELIA), as part of the major stakeholders, took the initiative to promote the image of the African leather and leather products industry. This is in collaboration with the Ethiopian government, international development partners and knowledge institutions.

Who is the AALF aimed at?

•    Footwear and tanning industries, leather garment and leathergoods buyers and sellers
•    Shoe, tannery, leather garment and leathergoods machinery suppliers
•    Leather and footwear chemicals, components and accessories suppliers
•    Profession associations,
•    Academic institutions,
•    Government support institutions, investment promotion organisations, joint venture seeking organisations, and international investors and development organisations