‘We know there have been ongoing challenges for Ontario’s livestock industry since BSE was found in Canada’, Leona Dombrowsky, Ontario’s minister of agriculture, food and rural affairs, said in a government press release. ‘The investments in the cattle industry will assist the sector as it continues to adjust to new federal regulations and a competitive global marketplace.’
Government help for Canada’s feed ban
The Ontario government has allotted C$14 million in funding for provincial slaughterhouses (C$9 million) and deadstock collection services (C$5 million) to help them comply with Canada's enhanced ruminant-to-ruminant feed ban introduced in July 2007. Meatingplace.com say that the stricter requirements, which cover handling, transport and disposal of specified risk materials, are aimed at keeping SRMs out of the feed chain. The rules apply to cattle producers, slaughter plants, renderers, feed manufacturers and fertilizer and pet food plants.