Hidenet.com, a relevant and accurate market news reporting service in the American hide market, have enhanced and revamped their website.

The market data section includes price spreads between major selections, a price history displaying eight types of hides going back to 1997 on a weekly basis.

There is also a large amount of statistical data including the National Daily Cattle and Beef summary which is updated daily, and continually updated cattle on feed data. Daily updated Federally Inspected Slaughter (FIS) totals are also available.

The market term section of the website contains examples of contracts, a glossary of hide and leather terminology, hide definitions and leather substance tables. Even more additions are being planned.

The wealth of information along with archives of previous daily and weekly market reports are available to subscribers as well as those who can go to the site: [http://www.hidenet.com] and register for a free trial.