Hüni will be at APLF to present their product range which consists of the following:
Tannery vessels:
Wooden drums (liming, tanning, retanning/dyeing, laboratory), wooden paddles, stainless steel laboratory drums, polypropylene drums. Service and spare parts are also available for the following drum brands: Hüni, Billeri and Vallero (purchased technology) and others
Process control equipment for tanneries:
Watermixing systems Aquamix, liquid chemical mixing and dosing systems Prodomix and Prododos, powder chemical mixing and dosing systems Powdermix and Powderdos, full process control Microtan, full tannery visualisation Visutan, turn-key tannery projects, engineering and special software application for tanneries
Mixing systems for finishing chemicals Finimix
Antara software for tanneries:
Complete ERP system specially developed for tanneries
Different and various second-hand machinery (all tanning machinery), consulting, special applications (weighing applications, software, dilution system, product storage).
Peter Mastelic, Antonio Billeri and Tim Voigt will be in attendance.
Hall 1