In a meeting with a delegation of Pakistan Tanners Association (PTA) led by S M Muneer along with PTA Chairman S M Naseem, PTA South Zone Chairman Khurshid Ahmed, PTA former chairman Gulzar Firoz and Vice Chairman S M Fawad at the Governor House recently, the Sindh governor ordered KWSB Managing Director Misbahuddin Farid to immediately submit a report for laying a water pipeline in the tannery zone so that regular water supply to the zone may be restored, it said.

The governor agreed that the regular supply of soft water would go a long way in improving the quality of leather produced for export and would enable the industry to fetch much higher prices and volume of business from customers abroad and eventually increase the foreign exchange earning for the country.

The KWSB managing director said that soon he would launch another source of supply of water by installing two reverse osmosis plants, each of two million gallons per day dedicated to the tannery zone.

When Ahmed pointed out about the non-disposal of solid waste from the area, Karachi Commissioner Roshan Ali Shaikh agreed to help stakeholders in removing the bottlenecks so that the already finalised plan of solid waste disposal available in the Korangi zone may be fully implemented.

Source: The News, Pakistan