The Leather business unit’s applications technologists can use the new rollercoating machine to develop modern top coat formulations for their customers and help them with technical problems.
The new Gemata Topstar machine has specially developed rubber screen rollers for direct rollercoating. This makes it possible to apply top coats more accurately and with virtually no wastage. In addition to cutting costs significantly, this method of application also improves the environmental balance of the leather production process compared with conventional spraying methods, where as much as 50% of the formulation may be wasted due to over spraying.
‘Manufacturers of automotive leathers value our expertise. In this hotly contested, multi-billion euro market, the technical support that we can offer and the development of cost-effective, environment-friendly recipes for our leather customers are invaluable in helping us to remain competitive,’ says Franken.
Lanxess are a leading supplier of system solutions for the leather industry, from chemicals for all stages of the leather production process to full technical support at the customer’s plant. The leather business unit is part of Lanxess’s performance chemicals segment, which posted sales of euro 1,930 million in fiscal 2008.