Over its 136 year history Leather magazine has always led from the front. We were the first international publication to be translated into Spanish, Mandarin and now, Russian.
In early 2003 Leather International started to get the feeling that Russia was once again a place to do business in the leather industry. Upon investigating Russia further we discovered that inflation was down, unemployment was starting to drop and that the Russian suitcase trade was all but wiped out, making the Russian leather industry a more professional place to do business.
There were several good exhibitions taking place in Moscow this summer, which would provide large numbers of tanners, technicians, tannery owners and managers. This makes it a perfect place to distribute a free Russian language magazine with editorial integrity. The magazine has been distributed at Mosleather and the feedback from Russian readers has been positive.
The remaining distribution will be at Mosshoes and Le Show, both taking place in Moscow during this month. Due to the support that we received from the industry this will become a regular publication and further details can be obtained from the Leather International team. If you would like to order a copy of the current Leather International Russia edition please contact Philip Woodgate at pwoodgate@wilmington.co.uk