The information services of LeatherXchange are being spun off and will continue as a separate company with their own management. The name of the new company is LeatherXchange Information SA.

The original LX will continue their own activities (inspection, supply chain automatisation and software development) under a different name, which has yet to be decided.

Shareholders in the old company are the shareholders in the new company but with a new shareholder in LeatherXchange Information, Ron Sauer. His title is editor and as such he will be responsible for the entire contents and the further development of the website.

They are looking for a young dynamic publisher who will lead the company together with Sauer and who can take on the sales side of the business.

The activities of the company are for the moment covered by what is already offered in their $900, $1,200 and $1,700 packages. Activities will be adapted as needed and expanded in due course.

The staff of the initial LX are now spread over the two new companies. Information staff will dedicate their time to’information’ entirely which will increase the quality of the services.

The offices will remain in Barcelona, although they are free to move the new company to any other place or country if desired in the future..