LERIG addresses the immediate and long-term concerns of the Indian leather sector and how the CLRI/CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) can help to solve and compete on the international stage. CLRI’s output including processes developed from the ongoing research programmes as well as inputs from the leather sector for their ongoing and future requirements are covered in the two-day symposium.
The leather sector realises the importance of bio-based technologies in leather making and therefore, the topic for LERIG 2010 is ‘Bio-related Innovative Options for Tannery ApplicatioN’ (Biotan).
Bio-based products using enzymes have been useful for processing of leather in bating and unhairing in leather making for many years. Also, treatment of tannery effluents by biodegradation using microorganisms has also met with success. Improvement of the quality of hides and skins and their preservation before processing are areas, which call for attention from the bio-community.
The symposium will have four main topic areas including:
• Biology of collagen, biopreservation and bioprocessing
• Environmental biotechnology
• Bio-based options for solid waste management
• Biomechanics and bio-alternatives for leather products
To attend the event the fee is $100 for overseas visitors or InR1500 for domestic delegates.
For further information contact Dr P K Seghal by email: lerig2010@clri.res.in