Dear Sir,
A couple of months ago we were approached by a Company called Eastern Leather Company (ELCO) to see if we would buy leather from them.
They claimed to have sold leather to us when they were a tannery, and indeed we had bought Leather from ‘an’ Eastern Leather Company through the good office of Parpia International back in the 90’s.
They also mentioned our previous owner Mr Guy Launay in their communications.
We asked for and received a sample hide of their buffalo product, which was OK but not really for our market, which we relayed to them.
Additionally the payment terms they required were letter of credit or cash against documents and sadly most Canadian experiences with The Indian subcontinent precludes such payment schedules.
We agreed to ‘remain good friends’ and perhaps the situation may change in the future.
Imagine our surprise when the next day we received an e-mail advising us of their new name…Inter Leather Marketing Agency.
We are appalled that a company or individual such as this could use as close to our name as possible, without any doubt, in my mind, to approach the North American market in particular, and to represent themselves as ‘Inter-Leather’ with a view to gaining access using our name in the marketplace.
We would be obliged if the trade could be made aware, through your magazine of the potential for misinformation and fraudulent representation that is possible.
Inter-Leather Marketing Services Limited has no relationship, and will never have a relationship, with Inter-Leather Marketing Agency of India.
Inter-Leather Marketing Services Limited is a supplier, distributor and agent for superior upholstery leathers to the upper-middle and high-end furniture manufacturing industry.

Yours sincerely
Bill Corless

Nature’s finest
505 Iroquois Shore Road, Unit #7
Oakville ON
L6H 2R3

P: +1 905 827-1200
F: +1 905 827-3785