With the present turmoil and rapidly falling hide prices on many world markets, it is more important than ever to have as much neutral and independent information as one can possibly get.

The best way? To read my world market & price report for hides and skins on [http://www.thesauerreport.com]

Initially created for the United Nations in 1985 as the ‘Market News Service for hides, skins and leather’, it is now available from the writer directly on the Internet in the coming days. Presently available by e-mail.

Covering market intelligence, market information, prices, indexes and trends from all leading global export and import markets in the world.

The latest report (June 16 – 66 pages) has been sent out and there will be updates on the web every day. The online version will have an easy ‘country search’ option to take you right there where you want to be.

The world’s oldest number 1 neutral and independent market report.

Unequalled – low price – no frills. Yours 24/24 and 7/7 at only 599 euros per year.

NOW: Introduction rate of just 550,00 euros for subscriptions starting before September 1, 2003. Just send me an e-mail and I’ll send you an invoice.

Updates will continue through the month of August this year!

If just once, thanks to our information, you manage to buy one cent cheaper or succeed in selling at one cent more, your subscription is paid for the year.

Don’t forget – you can never be too well informed!

Subscribe now – Know more – Trade better

Ron Sauer

Publishing & Consulting


phone: +33 607 522 952

fax: +33 450 947 774