La Doma have transferred their offices from their La Doma tannery in La Garriga, to newly constructed buildings at their Centelles location. They now have 9,000 sq m which they plan to increase to 11,000 sq m by the end of 2003.

They finish doubleface and nappa at both La Garriga and Centelles but Centelles, which is much larger, also has a department for special finishes.

The company supply more than 1,000 colours and currently are offering a great many special finishes on their top quality doubleface skins, such as animal print markings on the wool.

With the many different colours available and the variegations of colour on the wool, almost anything is possible.

For the past year they have also been producing nappa.

Set up 15 years ago, the company have a yearly production of around 15 million sq ft, 80% of which is doubleface.

A third tannery, Tenerias del Pirineo at Barbastro, processes their raw materials to crust.

For more information contact: La Doma SA de Curtidos, Mars Els Casals, s/n Aptdo 78, 08540 Centelles (Barcelona).

Tel: +34 93 881 12 16

Fax: +34 93 881 13 90.