Production of Nike branded athletic shoes, which have been manufactured by 78 Thai subcontractors, in the year ended May 2003 achieved order values of $370 million, compared with $350 million in the previous 12-month period.

Narong Chokwatana, adviser to the Pan Group, a sports shoe-maker under the Saha Group, estimated that Thai-made Nike shoes would represent 20% of Nike’s overall shoe production worldwide, up from 8-10% in 2001.

The Pan Group accounts for 75% of local Nike shoe production while the remainder is made by Union Footwear plc, a subsidiary of Saha Union, Rama Shoes Co.

Nike recently signed an agreement with the Population and Community Development Association (PDA) for phase II of the Nike Village development project in the Chakkrawat district.

The three-year project, with total funding of 6.2 million baht (US$156,565), will focus on income generation for rural communities, education and individual empowerment, said Ellen Devlin, general manager of the Nike Inc liaison office in Thailand.

Source: Daily ‘Bangkok Post’