ILF (Indo Leather and Footwear Expo) and IGT (Indo Garment and Textile Expo) are reasonably small and only very few Indonesian tanners were exhibiting. Several who did not exhibit attended the fair on day two and day three, and were mainly meeting at the APKI (Asosiasi Penyamak Kulit Indonesia – Indonesian Tanners Association) and could be seen there. Only one European (Italian) tannery (La Querce) was exhibiting.

Many Chinese producers of what they, erroneously, call artificial leather and shoe-making machines were exhibiting but did not attract a lot of visitors. Half of the exhibition hall was taken up by the third International Exhibition on Digital Printing Technology and Supplies, which obviously had nothing to do with the leather show.

There was a stage from which several symposiums were held but these did not attract a lot of participants. The organisers provided food and beverages, limited in choice but tasty and free of charge.

Very few foreign visitors could be recognised and it was difficult to assess whether any business was done or not. The biggest business was done by those selling their leather products at the end of the fair.

Looking for business

Apparently, Indonesian tanners, unlike their Pakistani and Indian colleagues, are less attracted by their national sector show, which should and could be a showcase for their industry. If all tanneries and shoe factories would participate, there would be much more interest from overseas buyers and sellers to attend the fair, making it more successful as a trade show.

Indonesian Tanners Association

The Indonesian Tanners Association was built in 1965, gathering from salted hide exporters, tanners and some chemical suppliers. The association was legalised in 2013 (registered in the Ministry of Law and Human Right) and has updated organising committee and listing members.