Italian steel drum specialists, Sani & Testai have introduced their ST1500-800 stainless steel retanning and dyeing drum. The drum is designed to be used either for pilot scale trials or to process small orders of 150kg on wet-blue weight.
The new drum incorporates a digital display, automatic water and chemical addition and mixing as well as an attachment to a printer which may monitor process conditions and parameters.
The digital display is available in English, Chinese, Italian, German, Spanish and Portuguese and indicates the process temperature, pH, load and drum speed. The drum has a working diameter 1500mm and a width of 800mm.
Gabrio Sani, general manager, told Leather: ‘We have incorporated software which allows us to store two complete processes. The programs allow automatic processing of the leather overnight or during the weekend.’
Sani & Testai are based in Santa Croce sull’Arno, Italy and produce drums which range from eight kilograms to one ton load.