During leather making it is vital to control the process temperature to avoid damaging the hides, skins or leather. Prosys Weida have come up with a wireless system to monitor temperature and offer an additional quality control tool to the tanner.
Prosys Weida from Germany have designed the wireless monitoring system to be fitted into any drum or process vessel. It can operate with equipment made from wood, stainless steel, glass fibre or polypropylene.
It can withstand up to 100rpm of drum rotation and operates in a temperature range of 0-85°C. The display has an accuracy of +-1°C.
It works by emitting electromagnetic radiation from a transponder panel to the sensor within the drum.
The sensor then sends back a signal through the transponder and gives a reading on a digital display, which can be housed by the drum or in an office away from the drum area.
The signal can be read up to 100m from the temperature probe.
The new device is maintenance free, easy to operate and install. The probe is fitted into the wall of a drum.
Upper and lower temperature limits can be programmed into the control unit with automatic alarms if the temperature rises or falls outside specified limits.
The equipment works using normal mains electricity and is already up and running inside drums at a tannery.
The mains electricity is converted into electromagnetic waves and the new device is not operated by radio frequency.