SATRA unveiled their latest production-efficiency software at the China Shoes/China Shoetec exhibition held in Dongguan City. It was the first time the technology centre had exhibited at this mainland Chinese trade fair and put on show SATRASumm 6, the latest version of its system for managing leather during the cutting process. This version incorporates updated database technology to improve system reliability. It can operate at high speeds over computer networks hundreds of miles apart (wide area networks).

Also demonstrated was VisionStitch, SATRA’s system to promote greater stitching efficiency. Fifty of these systems have now been installed worldwide and to celebrate the sales landmark SATRA presented a certificate to Ben Lee, vice-president of the purchasing company Shoetown Footwear, of Guangzhou, China,

Mr Lee said: ‘Although we had only been using VisionStitch for little more than a month, we were amazed at how much it had already taught us about how to get the most out of our existing stitching machines.’