REACH – the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals – came into force in 2007 to help protect human health and the environment from hazardous chemicals. It applies to every product imported into or manufactured within the EU and has implications for the entire supply chain, including retailers.
The ‘REACH for retailers’ seminar will define and explain the legal obligations of a retailer under REACH, explore what retailers need to do to demonstrate compliance, and discuss the chemicals and substances cited in the legislation. It will also focus on practical steps for managing SVHCs
(Substances of Very High Concern) and restricted substances, and will look at similar legislation in other parts of the world.
John Hubbard, SATRA’s environment and sustainability consultant, will be leading the seminar. He says: “Under REACH, retailers must be able to show that the products they sell meet the requirements set out for the presence of restricted chemicals. Although this legislation has been in place for a few years now, many retailers still find REACH daunting.
“That’s why we’ve designed this seminar for the retail sector. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions throughout the day so they can leave confident that they know the steps they should take to comply with the regulations.”Martin Heels, who leads SATRA’s chemical analysis team, adds: “At SATRA, we have more than 90 years’ experience in the research, development and testing of consumer products and we have been following the developments in the REACH legislation closely. Our highly trained staff carry out testing in our sophisticated chemical analysis laboratory on a daily basis, so we are well placed to answer any questions and explain how REACH applies to you.”
‘REACH for retailers’ costs £300 plus VAT for SATRA members, or £400 plus VAT for non-members. To book a place or for more information, email:, call +44 1536 410 000 or go to