Satra are planning seminars in the Far East in October to highlight current and forthcoming European legislation on restricted chemicals and substances commonly found in some footwear and other consumer products. This is an essential subject for those supplying products into the European Union.
Satra chemist John Hubbard will explain the common restricted substances, such as: Chrome VI, Pentachlorophenol (PCP), Azo dyestuffs (aromatic amines), Formaldehyde, Di Octyl Phthalates (DOPs), Protein in Latex, Organotins. Discussions will also focus on the transition metals: antimony, arsenic, lead, cadmium, selenium, barium, chromium and mercury.
Some of these substances can cause harm when ingested, inhaled or when in contact with the skin and as a result are restricted in their use. Others cause long-term harm to the environment. The onus is therefore on manufacturers to confirm that these are absent from their products.
Seminar venues and dates are the Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre on October 20; Royal Lagoon Hotel, Dongguan, China on October 21; Evergreen Hotel, Taichung, Taiwan on October 23 and Thai Tanning Association, Bangkok, Thailand on October 25.
Attendance is US$100 per delegate. For more details contact Austin Simmons at Satra, tel: +44 1536 410 000; fax: +44 1536 410 626; email: