Ron Sauer has written to say that our report about his leaving LeatherXchange and publishing his own independent world hide and skin report and indexes may have left our readers with doubts about whether or not he breached his contract when leaving LeatherXchange. He states categorically that he did not.
‘As far as the international publishing rights are concerned I can tell you that my contract clearly stipulated that those rights belonged to LXGIS while my contract with them was in force which now, as you know, is no longer the
According to Sauer he left on June 1, having given notice on February 20, 2003, in accordance with the conditions of his contract. Further, his contract did not impose any restrictions on his activities after his departure.
His first edition of TheSauerReport was published on June 16 as scheduled and is now available on his website which went live on July 2 at []; he can be contacted at