During the annual board meeting of SIC SA, the new board members unanimously elected Paul Batigne as chairman and managing director of SIC SA for a term of six years. The shareholders appointed other new administrators for the whole of the leather sector for a term of office of six years as follows:

Jean Arnaud, chairman of the Supervision Council of Arnaud Holding; Paul Batigne, chairman of the National Leather Council; Robert Gourrut, chairman of the Federation of Leather Goods Retailers; Gérard Pretre, chairman of the Trade Union of French Tanneries; Pierre Rigoulot, industrial director of Jallatte; Pierre Waintraub, chairman of the French Leather Goods Association.

SIC SA (Société Internationale du Cuir SA) are a commercial company that develop and promote meetings between leather professionals in France and abroad.

Batigne is chairman and managing director of the company Sabin SA, specialists in the business of leathers and hides and skins (90 % of the turnover is due to exports). He is a director of a family tawing business; chairman of the French Tawery Trade Union; administrator of the CIDIC (Interprofessional Committee for the Development of the Leather Industry, Shoes and Leather Goods); administrator of the Water Treatment Office of the Adour Garonne region and social and economic Adviser of the Midi-Pyrénées region.