The half-day summit includes members from the entire leather supply chain, from a major beef producer, tanners to leather goods retailers. The invited guests will gather in a small, intimate setting at The Harvard Club to discuss the future of global hide markets. The meeting purpose is to create a better understanding of the economic forces impacting the global beef business, hide supply and demand, and the subsequent cost implications to the leather trade. Bob Moore, CEO comments; ‘I hope that this meeting is interesting, informative and thought provoking. SRL thank JBS, and The Maxfield Report for their participation’.

SRL Hide Summit Agenda:

  • 12:30pm  Luncheon and introductions:  Bob Moore
  • 1pm  ‘The World’s Economic Situation’:  Cheikh Kane, Chief Economist/Strategist, JBS S.A.
  • 1:30pm  ‘The Global Beef Markets, Hide Supply, Demand and Future Expectations’:  Randy Geist, Marco Barros Sampaio, and Scott Shepard, JBS, USA
  • 2:30pm  Break
  • 2:45pm  ‘The Hide Market, Ups and Downs, and Reading Tea Leaves’:  Ken Maxfield, The Maxfield Report
  • 3:30pm  Break
  • 3:45pm Discussion
  • 4:30pm. Finish
  • Evening dinner hosted by GST Autoleather and SRL.