Ann Tate, rector of University College Northampton attended the APLF in Hong Kong for the first time and also attended various leather industry functions including hosting BSLT’s own evening reception for past and present students, staff and guests. BSLT has seen a major increase in the number of students from Asia studying in Northampton over the past few years and UCN sees APLF as a great opportunity to meet the Asian market.

Tate sees the Hong Kong fair as a hugely important event for UCN. She said: ‘We are seeing some exciting changes happening at BSLT. We have been listening to the leather industry and as a result, we are making changes to our educational provision.

‘We’re now offering short practical-based courses for industry, distance learning and a leather MBA. We’re also developing a new range of courses to make the most of UCN’s hugely respected fashion department and our wastes management research excellence.

‘In the near future, BSLT will be able to offer a programme of education which is more integrated with other strengths at UCN and we’re very excited about the prospect.’