Aimed at furniture and automotive upholstery tanners, Emmezeta have introduced their new flank folding machine.
The new device automatically folds the finished leather after it has been stacked or area measured. The new machine has the capacity to fold between 100 – 150 hides per hour (dependent on application) and can be fitted to the rear of any of Emmezeta’s full hide stackers. The company, who have a patent pending on the machine, say that it can be moved around the tannery easily by fork-lift-truck and it can be located behind an area measuring machine at the end of the process.
The mechanism of the flank folder is controlled by compressed air while other hydraulic movements are controlled by oil. The machine dimensions are approximately 3 metres wide by 4 metres long. The flank stacker automatically lifts as the pack height increases on the pallet.
Emmezeta’s Flank folding machine for upholstery leathers