John Reddington, USHSLA’s president will be attending the fair in addition to visiting Mexico City for meetings with Mexican government officials to discuss current changes to Mexico’s animal health requirements and the potential impact on US hide exports. Meetings are also scheduled with the Mexican tanners association CANALCUR together with making several visits to prominent tanners in the Leon area.
USHSLA are the exclusive representative of the hide and skin industry in the United States. Producing in excess of 35 million bovine hides annually of which 30% are further processed into wet-blue and wet-white, USHSLA members export over 95% of production with Mexico being the 4th largest buyer. In addition to small skins and renderer hides the USHSLA estimates that its members generate sales attributed to hides and skins in excess of $3 billion annually. Meat Packers together with processors, dealers and hide traders are all members. Please visit <> where you can find additional information on the association.
Contact: Susan Hogan at USHSLA Tel: +(1) 202 587 4250