Hi Sam, I just read your July limeblast (How free should trade be?). You put your finger on a problem the size of which is incredibly large. It has bothered me for years. Shouldn’t the name of the subject be: ‘unfair trade practices’? Whether or not.

a) A month ago or so, I read Fareed Zakaria’s ‘The future of freedom’ and to my mind that also has to do with the overall problem you touched on

b) When recently in the US, I read a newspaper article written by a Vietnamese journalist (Chicago Tribune) stating in more elegant words that all talk re free and fair trade is a load of bull. Unfortunately, slowly slowly, I am thinking in that direction too

c) There are a myriad of examples, in other branches of industry, like the one you mention in limeblast.

In short, the world is not as nice and just a place that we would like it to be.

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