Every edition will feature our regular items such as news, guest column, people, limeblast, raw materials, prices, product news and editorial comment.


Tannery machinery and automation innovation

A review of all the latest tannery machinery technology launched at Tanning Tech and other shows towards the end of 2012. The report will include the latest beamhouse and finishing equipment as well as the latest environmental control devices.

Everything from drums, splitting and shaving through to embossing, ironing, rollercoating, milling and leather cutting equipment.

We will also feature a series of technical articles following the 9th AICLST conference held in Taiwan.

Show preview:

IILF – Chennai, India


Market report: India

India is now probably the fastest growing market for tanning and leather product manufacture in the world. We provide a detailed statistical report and overview on this increasingly important market.

Show preview: (extra distribution)

APLF, Hong Kong

Leather International, mandarin edition

Chinese language edition. Also distributed at APLF 2013. This magazine is also distributed to all members of the China Leather Industry Association (CLIA).

April (special environmental edition)

The tanner and the environment:

We present a series of special features that are based around environmental aspects of leather making. This includes environmentally friendly chemicals and chemical systems, reducing waste in the tannery to new equipment available to lower the tanners’ carbon and water footprint.

This is an idea sponsorship opportunity.

Market reports: Japan

We look at one of South East Asia’s established leather producing markets and provide a statistical review.

APLF review. A report of the industry’s most international trade show.


Machinery technology: Finishing equipment

Rollercoating and spray finishing, ironing, embossing, engraving, plating, buffing, dedusting, area measuring and glazing equipment are all covered and more.

Market report: China. An update from the worlds largest leather manufacturing market. Statistical overview from CLIA.

Extra distribution.

IULTCS congress, Istanbul, Turkey.


Beamhouse technology:

Modern use of preservation, soaking, liming, deliming, degreasing and pickling agents in leathermaking. What are the most recent systems and how can they help the tanner reduce their costs and increase yields. The use of enzymes in beamhouse operations.

(New feature for 2013)

Leather and luxury:

A special focus on the luxury leather sector. We profile some international luxury brands and their use of leather. We also highlight some leading tanners supplying luxury brands.


What’s New in Leather Chemicals 2013/14

An international round-up of all the latest wet-end and finishing chemicals introduced in the past year. An ideal guide for the tannery technician to review and source the latest leather chemicals to meet the latest client and regulatory criteria.

Leather chemical technology:

A series of short articles based on the recent advances in leather chemical technology.

Fashion trends:

Fashion colours and trends for the autumn/winter 2012/13 season.

Sponsorship opportunity.

(New for 2013)

Leather International, “What’s New in Leather Chemicals 2013/14” mandarin edition

Chinese language edition featuring the latest leather chemicals from around the world. This magazine is also distributed to all members of the China Leather Industry Association (CLIA).


Novel tanning systems:

We review the latest advances vegetable, high efficiency chrome and non-chrome tanning systems.

Sponsorship opportunity.

(New feature for 2013)

Leather education and training:

A global focus on training and education in the leather industry.

(New feature for 2013)

Ask the experts:

Leather experts explain various technical chemical and mechanical aspects of leather making.


Market report: Turkey. One of Europe’s leading leather manufacturers. A particular focus on sheep and woolskin (doubleface) leathers.

Leather technology: A series of technical articles from the latest leather research and development.

Show preview:

ACLE, Shanghai, China

Le Cuir A Paris, Paris, France

Leather International, mandarin edition

Chinese language edition. Also distributed at ACLE 2013. This magazine is also distributed to all members of the China Leather Industry Association (CLIA).


Raw materials and semi-processed leather review:

A review of the latest supply and advances in raw and semi-processed leathers. We also look at key raw material supply markets with the latest statistics.

Exhibition preview: Tanning Tech

Bonus distribution: Lineapelle & Tanning Tech

ACLE show review:

A review of the ACLE in Shanghai.


Environment special issue:

A series of articles looking at effluent treatment technology, recycling and energy conservation.

We also review recent legislation on restricted substances, heavy metals and VOC’s. What special chemical and mechanical systems can the industry offer to protect the environment?

Sponsorship opportunity.

Chinese language editions:

A full edition of Leather International in mandarin. Featuring a number of special articles of interest to a Chinese reader as well as a number of regular items such as news, people, Limeblast etc.

The Chinese edition is also distributed to all members of the China Leather Industry Association.


Bonus distribution: APLF (includes a show preview).

July: New for 2013. “What’s New in Leather Chemicals” in mandarin.



Bonus distribution: ACLE (includes a show preview).


Bonus distribution: Tanning Tech (includes show preview)

Bonus insert: A free copy of the 2011 Leather International wall planner featuring major leather industry events and exhibitions.

Additional features will be added throughout the year as opportunities arise. These will be promoted as they happen. If you would like to propose technical articles,news stories,or your company’s latest product innovations,the editorial team would be pleased to hear from you.Please email mricker@leathermag.com

 For excellent content branding/advertising please contact Jeremy Skinner on +44 (0) 20 7936 6943 or by email on jskinner@leathermag.com

Regulars in each issue: News, Comment, People, Product news, Raw materials, Tanners dilemma, Limeblast, Letters and Offcuts