Despite the fact that 2021 closed with an estimated growth of 19% equal to €4.2 billion, UNIC-Italian tanneries fears strongly for the next few months of 2022. The association, a member of Confindustria Moda, during the General Council coordinated by President Fabrizio Nuti, took stock of the state of the sector and some criticalities emerged.
As UNIC explains: “The good performance recorded in the first quarter of the current year risks being strongly compromised by the critical issues that have emerged in recent weeks, with slowdowns on orders and very uncertain prospects for the main product segments.” Hence, the request of the body, confirming the need for Italian tanners to raise awareness on this issue with a view to supply chain solidarity.
“These are important commitments, essential to remain competitive at high levels in the market, but which need to be valued in terms of sales prices to customers.” The reasons for this arrest include the tensions in the energy market, the pandemic situation in China, the soaring costs of gas and energy and the difficulties on the international logistics front, procurement prices for raw materials and, above all, chemicals.