Minerva announce second tannery
Minerva, one of Brazil’s leading meat packers, has announced the opening of a second tannery in São Paulo state. The move is part of the company’s leather division’s strategy of adding value. The new plant is situated in Monte Aprazível and was chosen for its proximity to the slaughterhouses in Barretos, 150km away, and José Bonifácio (40km). It has capacity to process 2,500 hides per day into wet-blue, semi-finished and finished leather for automotive upholstery, furniture and footwear and leathergoods. The total operation will employ a workforce of more than 1,000 people.With this new development the company expects to reach a total capacity of 7,000 hides per day with 10% wet-blue, 70% semi-finished and 20% finished products. The company’s leather accounted for 4% of Brazilian leather exports in 2007, and this is expected to reach 7% in 2008.