Last year 54% of new Mini’s ordered in the UK had real leather interiors and according to Heilmer, the lack of leather is a key factor considered to make future Minis more sustainable.

“We don’t need leather any more in the future, because we don’t believe it’s sustainable,” he said.

“We’re totally convinced that we will have modern and high-value products without leather,” Heilmer added.

He also revealed that the fabric used in the production seats would be “100% recycled”.

“The lining underneath is 70 percent recycled. We’re looking to create a timeless design. A one-season design, like fashion, isn’t our aim with the design of future Minis.”

“It’s inventive simplicity. Materials will be recycled, but they’re luxurious at the same time. And inventive in terms of function. For instance, we used cork in the Urbanaut. The aesthetics will be coming more from a home perspective, rather than an automotive one,” he added.