The Executive Committee of the IULTCS is pleased to announce the 2019 grants to be awarded to three young scientists, under the age of 35, for research projects in: leather research, machinery/equipment and sustainability/equipment to be conducted at a recognised institution in 2019.

This is the fifth year of awarding young researchers the grant, and this year IULTCS will provide the monetary sponsorship for a €1,500 grant to basic research; Erretre will sponsor the €1,000 grant for machinery/equipment and TFL the €1,000 sustainability/environmental grant.

Adriano Peruzzi from Erretre said: “Our company supports leather education and we strongly believe our sector needs young motivated people to implement innovation and face all new challenges. Erretre is proud to award one young scientist for the work on a remarkable research project on machinery/equipment and for the contribution to the leather industry.”

Dr Jurgen Christner from TFL stated that: “TFL is proud to sponsor the sustainability grant to a Young Scientist; we are seeing this as a part of our commitment to environmental stewardship."

TFL has been a pioneer with a long history in the development of ecological products for the leather industry and strongly believes that the ecological and sustainable production of leather is mandatory in order to secure a bright future for the leather industry. To do this, the industry needs talent, investment in education and training and focused research will be a key element for the future. TFL is grateful that IULTCS has established this grant, it will help to motivate young people to engage in our industry."

Dr Luis Zugno, IUR Chair says that “Our YLSG is getting stronger. Now in the fifth year we are delighted to have two additional grants from TFL and Erretre to expand our research areas”. Details of the eligibility requirements and application forms are available on the IULTCS website ( The submission deadline is 30 November 2018.

The IULTCS requests that readers of this announcement forward the information to those institutions and individuals who could benefit from the award.