Data from SECEX (Secretariat of Foreign Trade) of the Ministry of Economy and analyzed by the Center for the Brazilian Tanning Industry (CICB) shows that November exports were US$80.7 million compared to US$100.7 million in November 2021. The total is 10.3% over the previous month.

In terms of square meters, 12.8 million were exported in November, 21.6% more than the same month in 2021 and 7.7% more than October, when the total was 11.9 million square meters.

The period from January to November ended with a total of US$1.14 billion, a drop of 12.2% compared to the same period in 2021, and 16.8% lower in area, with 132.8 million square meters.

Compared to the same month last year, November’s exports dropped in value and increased in area, reflecting the results of the main destinations – China, The United States and Italy. The three markets had improved export volumes, with more emphasis on Italy (an increase of 4.9%).

Difficulties with demand in the main markets continue to have a strong impact on Brazilian exports of hides and skins. November export values maintained double-digit declines compared to the same month in 2021. This is the fifth month in a row that this has happened.

The volume sold increased by 21.6% in area and 17.8% in weight, reflecting greater exports of wet blue hides with lower prices as a means to reduce inventories.

As long as industrial activity in China continues to suffer the consequences of Covid Along with falling demand in the European market, the difficult situation for sector exports will continue.