The Brazilian Leather Sustainability Certification (CSCB), initiative promoted by the Centre for the Brazilian Tanning Industry (CICB), has a new tannery among its participants. Located in the Northeastern state of Piauí and producing for the fashion industry for over 30 years, Cobrasil has just joined the programme.

Director at Cobrasil, Jordi Codina says the company has joined the initiative as it understands that sustainability is connected to the future of institutions and society as a whole. Indicators to be reached through CSCB are related to crucial issues from within the production process, adds Codina.

After joining CSCB, every company goes through a consultancy and training stage, working under the 173 indicators that make up the norm created by a Special Study Committee from ABNT (the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards).

These indicators contemplate the economic, environmental, social and management dimensions of sustainability. The consultancy teaches and assesses the compliance, registering and continuity of every indication. When this step is completed, the tannery is ready to ask for an audit by a certifying body accredited by Inmetro (the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology) in order to obtain the certification. CSCB holds four levels: Bronze (for those who follow up to 50% of the indicators applicable from each of the four dimensions), Silver (75%), Gold (90%) and Diamond (100%).

These are other tanneries that have also joined CSCB: JBS Couros, Fuga Couros, Couroquímica, Internacional Couros, AMCM, Mats, Courovale, A. Bühler, and Curtume Moderno.