Leading European tanning company Gruppo Mastrotto has lent support to the San Bortolo Foundation, a non-profit association promoting fundraising for the hospital of Vicenza in Northern Italy. In an effort to counter the public health emergency COVID-19, it donated €100,000 for the purchase of protective equipment for healthcare personnel and medical instruments to be used in the San Bortolo Hospital in Vicenza.

This donation is part of a larger initiative which, thanks to the contribution of individuals and companies, has already raised over €2 million for the Foundation. Around €500,000 was used to purchase protective equipment for healthcare personnel, whilst the remainder will be used to buy machinery and instruments, such as lung ventilators, which are essential for the treatment of the disease.

“We are grateful to Gruppo Mastrotto for its significant contribution, which brings the amount collected by the San Bortolo Foundation to €2 million," declared Franco Scanagatta, chairman of the Foundation. "The sum raised to face this emergency certainly represents a thoughtful action for the benefit of the local community. It is also a courageous move if we look at the negative economic impact that the COVID 19 epidemic has brought about for the entire production sector.

"This is not the first time that Gruppo Mastrotto stands by our side and supports the Vicenza Hospital with its generous contribution. We hope that the other industries in the area will also choose to follow the example of this donation and those of the other companies that are already supporting us, each according to their own possibilities. We have already spent €500,000 for the purchase of protective equipment for healthcare personnel, including face masks, gloves and white coats. Basic life-support instruments such as lung ventilators are also on the way.

"The generous contribution of Gruppo Mastrotto, together with that of all the subjects who are supporting us, will definitely help us to overcome this difficult moment as one”.

In addition, Gruppo Mastrotto decided to take care of its employees in a special way, providing them with a specific health insurance policy in the event they test positive for COVID-19. In addition to financial compensation, the insurance also covers transport from home to the hospital or other care institution, medical follow-up after hospitalisation, support for families including a domestic worker, assistance for any minor children and home delivery of groceries.

“In this unprecedented difficult time, Gruppo Mastrotto's board of directors wants to provide solidarity and support to one of the cornerstones of our region, the San Bortolo Hospital in Vicenza, which is at the forefront of this battle against the virus, like all other hospitals of our country," said Chiara Mastrotto, the president of Gruppo Mastrotto. "As we have done before, we choose to bring our support to the San Bortolo Non-profit Foundation and its fundraising campaign. In line with the vision of our founders Bruno and Santo, our company has always been committed to supporting the local community by responding to different needs, whether they are medical, social or cultural.

"Especially in emergency circumstances such as the one are being faced with now, I believe the business world must stand by its local community with solidarity and support. Within our company, we are doing our best to protect our employees in such a difficult moment and taking out an insurance policy for them was the least we could do. It is time to close ranks, to do everything we can to get out of this situation as quickly as possible. When this will be over, we will start again with dedication and determination”.