On May 11, 2001, the Bologna Fair hosted the first International Workshop on Technological Innovation for the Tannery, organised by the Italian Tanning Association (UNIC). Chemical and installation companies presented their latest developments. The section devoted to the European Community Tannet project presented research projects underway or about to start.

On the one hand there was a rediscovery and enhancement of the natural virtues of leather, always used in fashion, health and beauty care and furnishings; and on the other hand there were suggestions for new uses.

It will be possible to have softer and more natural leathers for upholstery, thanks to a treatment with other natural products such as enzymes (Lamberti), leathers that are waterproof yet breathe (Bayer), leathers that do not age (Cognis) and that are increasingly guaranteed against harmful impurities (Cognis, Silvachimica).

Still in the furnishing area, coating with rollers has been revolutionised (GeMaTa) to replace spray technology in many cases, with benefits to the environment (there are no emissions) and to consumption. The goal of adequately finishing hides without the use of solvents seems ever nearer (BASF, Syn Bios) as does controlling dyeing tints (TFL) in order to achieve great versatility while cutting down on polluting substances.

There are many research projects underway or just concluded (managed by Conciaricerca Italia), at least three of which attract attention: scented leathers for interiors and accessories, water-repellent leathers with new surface treatments without use of chemicals and chromium free water repellent leathers.

To cut down on odours, a very specific and versatile system has been proposed (ETT) while research offers a specially trained electronic nose to trouble shoot (Conciaricerca Italia).

Over the years Italian and European tanneries have been devoting themselves to research with increasing success. To mention only the projects promoted by UNIC and handled by the Conciaricerca Italia company, the current picture shows 16 studies underway, most of them financed by the Italian government or the European Community. About forty tanneries are involved, as well as a dozen machinery makers and chemicals manufacturers and twenty some research organisations.

The workshop was held at the end of Lineapelle with speakers from the various companies. There were 130 accredited visitors on hand to hear the reports and participate in the discussion.