Ethiopian authorities are pushing hard to attract both internal and external investment in its industrial base, with tanning at the heart of the plan. According to the Ethiopian Investment Commission, FDI is set to reach $4 billion this fiscal year, with further targets currently being set as part of the country’s Growth and Transformation Plan document.

According to the government, Ethiopia in planning to increase the number of industrial parks to 15 by June 2018 as part of its efforts to boost manufacturing and export. Ethiopia's aim in building more industrial parks is to enable the manufacturing sector to contribute to 20% of Ethiopia's GDP and 50% of the export volume by 2025, according to the Ethiopian Investment Commission.

Alongside the efforts promoting investment, government is focusing on helping companies with transferring technology, building development projects and participating in educational research efforts

These extensive development of industrial parks would be world-class sustainable eco-parks ready for 'plug & play'. They are dedicated for specific sectors such as textile & apparel, leather & leather products, pharmaceuticals, agro-processing and aimed at coordinated production along value chains.