India’s real estate companies and leather goods manufacturing units are rushing to get their staff vaccinated to restore normality in their sectors. Construction work at most sites had come to a standstill with stricter Covid curbs coming into force across the state on May 16th. Work has resumed since June 1st but at a slow pace because of a lack of enough personnel and other reasons.

The demand for processed leather and finished goods from Europe and the US is increasing but production in the tanneries and leather goods units has been tardy because of shortage of personnel. Business owners said the failure to get workers vaccinated against Covid in large numbers was the principal reason for production not picking up. Another reason is that many workers are still stuck in their hometowns and villages as the curbs are yet to be lifted.

Chief minister Mamata Banerjee had announced that work in construction and leather manufacturing sectors could start from June 1st with workers vaccinated against Covid.

A state government official said the move by realtors and leather goods manufacturing units to get their workers vaccinated would go a long way in restoring normality in the sectors.

“This will ensure that Covid protocols are maintained and also help vaccinate a large number of people, for many of whom getting a dose on their own is difficult,” the official said.

The owners of companies said many of their workers had tried to get vaccinated in their villages and hometowns but were unable to do so because of shortage of doses.