Associated with the CICB, Cortume Krumenauer will soon launch a new department of its business in Brazil: a website for the sale of leathers in smaller quantities.

At it will be possible to buy, starting with as little as just a single unit, all of the leathers produced by Krumenauer and others, such as leathers with fur, wool, soles, leathers for clothing and upholstery, and even pre-cut leather panels.

Joel Krumenauer, the tannery's director, says that the online Sculp Leather Store is a project that has been in motion for four years and was developed throughout 2019 for launch by March 2020.

“We believe that online sales are a reality that will bring us closer to a market we haven't reached yet, and which, in addition to generating volume, will also be a way of adding further value to our leathers," he highlights.

Cortume Krumenauer already has a physical store next to its tannery in Portão (RS). Online shopping will be available throughout Brazil by the end of March, with delivery via courier and carrier services (depending on the customer's preference). Global sales via the website should be made available in the second half of 2020.