Design na Pele will be presented at Inspiramais – Design and Innovation Exhibition, in São Paulo, Brazil, in a special lecture detailing the entire creative process behind the project’s most recent edition, entitled ‘Escritas’ (‘Writings’).

‘Design na Pele: a meeting between the technical excellence and the creative diversity of the Brazilian leather industry’ is scheduled to take place on Monday 27 June at 1:40pm. The lecture will be hosted at the Innovation Arena, located in the Pro Magno Events Centre (230 Samaritá Street, Casa Verde, São Paulo).

Design na Pele is promoted by Brazilian Leather, a project focused on the promotion of leather exports and coordinated by CICB (the Centre for the Brazilian Tanning Industry) in partnership with Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency).

The talk opens a rich and diverse programme, proving that Inspiramais is not only a space for showcasing leather and other fashion related materials but also a source of information and knowledge for the entire production chain.

"Design na Pele has brought tanneries together, bringing surprising results. During Inspiramais we’ll share everything we’ve experienced and what we’re planning for this year’s edition", says Rafael Andrade, curator of Design na Pele ‘Escritas’.

Executive president of CICB, José Fernando Bello will be responsible for launching the project’s third edition.

The Design na Pele exhibition has already travelled to Hong Kong, São Paulo and Milan, and it will be now presented in Vietnam.