The leather sector in Brazil has a new reference in sustainability: JBS Couros' Marabá unit (PA) is the first tannery dedicated to the production of wet blue leather to be recognised with the Gold Seal from the Brazilian Leather Certification of Sustainability (CSCB). This milestone attests that the company uses best practices in the tripod of economy, society and environment, in accordance with the norm ABNT NBR 16.296 after having been audited by an INMETRO accredited organisation.

The audit assessed environmental, social, economic, and sustainability dimensions and the Marabá unit achieved an average of 97% out of all 160 items, with zero non-compliance. For the CSCB, a sustainable tannery is one that develops its activities producing economic results, reducing environmental impact, providing healthy working conditions, and interacting positively with all other interested parties.

An award ceremony was held at the JBS Couros plant in Marabá and attended by company directors, employees, and local authorities, as well as representatives of the CSCB and the Centre for the Brazilian Tanning Industry (CICB), a national entity that encourages certification. José Fernando Bello, the CICB's executive president, highlighted one of the most important aspects of obtaining a certification of this character on the occasion: it's a guarantee demanded by clients whose demands in the current market require transparency to permeate the industry at every level.

Created in 2009, JBS Couros operates in production of wet blue, semi-finished, and finished leathers. Its global business structure makes JBS an important choice for companies that need high production capacity, quality, and delivery assurance coupled with innovation in order to serve increasingly demanding markets. They've been present in Marabá for 11 years producing wet blue leathers with over 150 employees. After finishing, the leathers are used primarily in the automotive, furniture, and footwear sectors.

Over the next three years, the JBS unit will follow a schedule of audits, assessments, and re-certifications to maintain their Gold level or perhaps even reach the Diamond level, ensuring their full commitment to improving processes. Álvaro Flores, the CSCB's technical coordinator, emphasizes that the changes brought about by the certification process – rooting all agents into the culture of sustainability – are one of the points that have drawn the most attention at the technical and scientific congresses where the seal has been presented. In 2019 alone, the CSCB was invited to share its experience at events in Dresden (Germany), New York, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, and Milan.