São Paulo will soon host 15 tanneries all in one space, presenting leathers for the development of fashion collections and interior design with Brazil's signature of quality and unique creativity. Inspiramais 2020, is taking place January 15th and 16th at the Pro Magno Events Center, and is Latin America's only design and materials innovation showroom. The event is organized by the Centre for the Brazilian Tanning Industry (CICB), Assintecal, By Brasil Components and Chemincals, and the Brazilian Leather Project – a partnership between the CICB and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brazil) to incentivise leather exports.

Inspiramais is consolidated as a multi-platform event featuring business, networking, image promotion, and industry know-how. It's all possible because, along with the materials exhibition space (which allows for direct contact between industries, designers, and buyers), extensive additional programming will also take place. With a special focus on leather, visitors will be able to view the Leather Preview showcase (hides and leather products developed in anticipation of coming trends) and the unprecedented Furniture and Fashion space – Connecting Materials, Design and Style to Furniture Production. This space is a lounge full of noble leather furniture, the fruit of a partnership between Abimóvel, CICB, Assintecal, and Apex-Brasil.

A series of lectures, business roundtables, and technical visits with journalists from the international press will comprise there rest of the programming (the Brazilian Leather project has invited the publishers of magazines Elle Thailand and Fashion Channel Korea, from South Korea). It will be an unforgettable agenda for those who live and work with fashion in footwear, clothing, accessories, and interior design.